ういろう日記 | UIRO Diary (10/30)
Kami Ya Co., Ltd
10月30日 かぼちゃ
There are many kinds of pumpkins on sale at the local store these days. In Japan, there is a tradition of eating pumpkins on the winter solstice in December. In the old days, food was scarce, so people preserved pumpkins harvested from late summer to autumn and ate them as a nutritional food to warm themselves up during the cold winter solstice to pray for good health. It seems to have become a custom to eat the pumpkins and pray for good health. Kamiko buys piles of pumpkins in season and seems to be more occupied with recipes for stews, salads, cakes and stews than preserving them. Is she going to be any more energetic?
现在当地商店里有很多种类的南瓜在出售。 在日本,12月的冬至有吃南瓜的传统。 旧时粮食匮乏,所以人们将夏末到秋季收获的南瓜保存起来,在寒冷的冬至时节,将南瓜作为一种营养食品来食用,以暖身祈求健康。 看来,这在不久前就成了一种习惯。 紙子买了一堆当季的南瓜,比起保存南瓜,他似乎更喜欢炖菜、沙拉、蛋糕和炖菜的食谱。 她会不会更有活力?