ういろう日記 | UIRO Diary (10/20)
Kami Ya Co., Ltd
10月20日 梨狩り
Western pears, Chinese pears and Japanese pears are classified into three major categories. In Japan, the cultivation technique of Japanese pears was developed in the Edo period, and pears were actively grown in the area around present-day Chiba Prefecture. We went to a pear garden in Ichikawa City. By the way, the word “Nahi-no-tsubute" means that there is no sound and no reply, and “tsubute" means a pebble that is thrown and never comes back, and “nashi (pears)" means originally "none". I don't know what that means.
西洋梨、中国梨和日本梨分为西洋梨、中国梨和日本梨三大类。 在日本,日本梨的栽培技术是在江户时代发展起来的,在今天的千叶县一带积极种植梨。 我们去了市川市的梨园。 对了,"梨木措 "是指无声无息,没有回答,"木措 "是指鹅卵石扔出去就再也回不来了,"梨 "是指 原本只是一个猜谜游戏,意思是 "没有"。 我不知道那是什么意思。