辻村史朗の伊賀 | Iga style by Shiro Tsujimura
This page features Iga style pottery by Shiro Tsujimura
辻村史朗 伊賀
Iga by Shiro Tsujimura
伊賀茶盌 | Iga Chawan
伊賀茶盌 | Iga Chawan
Iga style tea bowl (chawan) by Shiro Tsujimura
伊賀ぐい呑 | Iga sake cups
伊賀徳利 | iga Sake bottles
伊賀花入 | iga flower vases
伊賀大壷 | Iga Otsubo Large Jar
伊賀破れ壺 | Iga Broken Large Jar
Iga style broken large jar (yaburetsubo) by Shiro Tsujimura
伊賀面取 | Iga Mentori Flower Vases
伊賀面取花器 | Iga Flower Vase
Iga style flower vase (mentori) by Shiro Tsujimura
伊賀蹲 | iga Uzukumaru Flower Vases
伊賀耳付花入 | Iga flower vase with ears
伊賀花入・掛花入 | iga flower vases
伊賀皿 | iga plates
伊賀俎板 | iga manaita plates
伊賀俎板 | Iga Plate
Iga style plate (manaita) by Shiro Tsujimura
伊賀俎板 | Iga Plate
Iga style plate (manaita) by Shiro Tsujimura
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