This page features Kohiki style pottery by Shiro Tsujimura
辻村史朗 その他の焼物
Others by Shiro Tsujimura
伊羅保茶盌 | Irabo Chawan
伊羅保茶盌 | Irabo Chawan
Irabo style tea bowl (chawan) by Shiro Tsujimura
呉器茶盌 | Goki Chawan
磁土丸壺 | Jido Marutsubo Round Jar
磁土丸壺 | Jido Round Jar
Jido style round jar (marutsubo) by Shiro Tsujimura
磁土・染付大皿 | Jido Blue and White paint Large Plate
染付大皿 | Jido Blue and White paint Large Plate
Jido style large plate by Shiro Tsujimura
須恵盤 | SUE Large Plate
須恵盤 | Sue Large Plate
Sue style large plate by Shiro Tsujimura
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