辻村史朗 粉引の焼物 — Kami Ya Co.,Ltd. | 株式会社かみ屋

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+81 (0) 3 3231 2886

中央区, 東京都, 103-0023


KAMIYA ART is a leading contemporary and modern art gallery, representing one of the most important Japanese post-war artist Yuichi Inoue (YU-ICHI) 井上有一, Morihiro Hosokawa (細川護熙) and Shiro Tsujimura (辻村史朗).


辻村史朗の粉引 | Kohiki Style by Shiro Tsujimura


 辻村史朗 粉引
KOHIKI by Shiro Tsujimura

粉引茶盌 | Kohiki Chawan

粉引ぐい呑 | Kohiki Sake Cups

粉引徳利・片口| Kohiki sake bottles

粉引片口 | Kohiki KatakuchiKohiki style sake-bottle (katakuchi) by Shiro Tsujimura

粉引片口 | Kohiki Katakuchi

Kohiki style sake-bottle (katakuchi) by Shiro Tsujimura

粉引丸壺 | Kohiki Marutsubo Round Jar

粉引水滴 | Kohiki Water Drop

粉引丸壺(手捻り)| Kohiki Marutsubo Round Jar (Hand Forming)

粉引丸壺(手捻り)各種 | Various sizes of Kohiki Marutubo Round Jar (Hand Formed by Shiro Tsujimura)

粉引丸壺(手捻り)各種 | Various sizes of Kohiki Marutubo Round Jar (Hand Formed by Shiro Tsujimura)

粉引丸壺(型)| Kohiki Marutsubo Round Jar (Moulded)

辻村史朗 粉引丸壺(型成形) |   Kohiki Marutsubo Round Jar (Moulded)

辻村史朗 粉引丸壺(型成形) | Kohiki Marutsubo Round Jar (Moulded)

粉引花入| Kohiki Flower Vases

粉引湯呑・カップ| Kohiki CupS

粉引ワインカップ| Kohiki Wine CupS


粉引銘々皿| Kohiki small plates

粉引八寸皿| Kohiki Hassun plates


If you cannot find the product you are looking for, please contact us.
